Anesthesia Affiliates offers you, the healthcare professional, the flexibility to experiment with different practice settings and/or geographic locations before you commit. We can allow you to do what you do best — practice medicine while we do what we do best — handle all the administrative headaches and paperwork. In some situations, we’ll even assist you in obtaining the required state licensure for our jobs!
Just take a look at just some of the services we offer:
- Local temporary and permanent placements (either within the AA network or outside of it)
- Coordination of licensure
- Provision of liabilty insurance
- Individualized pairing services
Permanent Placements:
Anesthesia Affiliates will place you in one of our Anesthesia Affiliates contracted offices.
Transitional to Permanent Placements:
We have the ability to allow you, the healthcare professional, the time you need to transition from a temporary assignment into a permanent placement.
Temporary Placements:
Like the idea of moving around? We have numerous temporary assignments for you to choose.
In any case, we’ll do more than meet your needs…
we will exceed your expectations.